Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Quackbusters Lose Anti-Flouridation Case go to for this below

7th Nov 2006
A federal judge ruled against the Quackbuster consortium and handed Darlene Sherrel a major victory in an anti-fluoridation case. Level heads and common sense judgment prevailed in what is another milestone for natural health.Text obtained from yet another MAJOR VICTORY for the Anti-Fluoride Movement and a setback for Stephen Barrett (self-described "expert" on "quackery"), a Federal Court Judge in Eugene, Oregon, has ruled that Barrett could not prove his case against well known anti-fluoridation advocate, Darlene Sherrell.
Barrett filed his lawsuit against Darlene Sherrell in 1999 demanding $100,000 in "damages" for alleged defamation and sought an injunction against Sherrell for posting information about Barrett on her web site (
Darlene Sherrell is a well known independent researcher and expert on the dangers of excessive daily intake of fluoride in human beings leading to chronic fluoride poisoning. Barrett is a prominent national activist who advocates the "safety" of fluoridation in drinking water. Sherrell testified that she believed that Barrett was a "virtual lobbyist" for medical doctors, drug, chemical and food companies.
Barrett operates a website ( ) that attacks dozens of findings by independent researchers and alternative therapists, including chiropractors, as being "quacks." Among his attacks are challenges to the anti-fluoridation movement.
Barrett was a medical doctor who gave up his license to practice medicine in 1991 and has not practiced medicine ever since.
The was Barrett's first trial for defamation. This, even though he has managed to obtain settlements from other individuals that he has targeted in similar lawsuits.
The Law Offices of Carlos F. Negrete and Health Freedom Legal Defense Council agreed to accept Darlene Sherrell's case in order to give a voice to the anti-fluoridation movement and defend Sherrell.
In the summer of 1998, Darlene Sherrell, challenged Barrett to come forward to name a study demonstrating the safety of current fluoride levels in drinking water and the effect excessive daily intake of fluoride as a possible cause to chronic fluoride poisoning. At the time, in response to Sherrell's challenge Barrett was "careful to state that he is and was aware of hundreds of studies pertaining to the safety of fluoridation of drinking water..."
However, "...He did not testify that any study demonstrates the safety of current fluoridation levels..." Barrett had rebuked Sherrell's continuous challenges and sent a message to her stating that she (Sherrell) was "delusional."
On November 5, 2002, after a trial in October, 2002, Federal Judge Michael R. Hogan ruled in favor of Sherrell and against Barrett. He ordered the case dismissed.
The full ruling can be read here .
Before the trial, Barrett's defamation case against Sherrell had been languishing in the court for years awaiting trial. Trial was finally set for June, 2002.
Two weeks before trial, Sherrell engaged the Law Offices of Carlos F. Negrete and the Health Freedom Legal Defense Council based upon their experience with defending cases that had been filed by Barrett previously and their commitment to health freedom and environmental issues.
Darlene Sherrell was convinced of the correctness of her findings and public statements. She refused to settle with Barrett and pay any money to him or even remove the information about the dangers of Fluoride poisoning on her website. Instead, she was committed to having her "day in court" on the fluoridation issues and vigorously defend what she believes to have been bullying tactics of Barrett.
We congratulate Darlene Sherrell for her courage, conviction and commitment to advocating information about the dangers of chronic food poisoning.
Health Freedom Legal Defense Council and the Law Offices of Carlos F. Negrete are dedicated to representing individuals and organizations that share similar beliefs in health freedom and prevention of toxic contamination.
Posted by The Scribe at 2:07 PM

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