Wednesday, August 23, 2006


fluoride damages liver and kidneys

The Hastings Safe Water Association
43 Willow Cresent PORT MACQUARIE 2444
Phone 02 6583 9622 – 0417 279 602

Fluoride Damages Children's Liver and Kidneys
Dear Editor,
Fluoride in drinking water damages children's liver and kidney functions, according to a new study in "Environmental Research”

Xiong and colleagues write, "Our results suggest that drinking water fluoride levels over 2.0 mg/L can cause damage to liver and kidney functions in children. Further, dental fluorosis, which is fluoride-discoloured teeth, can be an indicator of kidney function harm. (See  )

Researchers grouped 210 Chinese children (aged 10 - 12 years old) by drinking water fluoride levels (averaging 0.76; 1.47; 2.58; and 4.5l mg/L). Dental fluorosis rates, respectively, were 15%, 41%, 79% and 94%.  Blood serum and urine samples revealed- that Fluoride levels increased as water fluoride levels increased. Liver and kidney enzymes elevated, indicative of liver or kidney damage, in children drinking water with over 2mg fluoride per litre and Liver function can be damaged without dental

"Dose-effect relationship between water fluoride levels and damage to liver and kidney functions in animals has been reported. However, this is one of the few to do so in humans. The liver and kidneys are especially susceptible to fluoride toxicity”, the authors of the study write.

The 2 mg fluoride daily is very often exceeded from food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and dental products. Bottle fed Babies fed Fluoridated water exceed 4mg. This is above 400% of the recommended daily dose. Clearly this is more evidence showing fluoridation is not only harmful, but also unethical and immoral.

The Hastings Safe Water Association believes that should Council and the NSW Health Department still proceed to add Sodium Silicio Fluoride to our drinking water supply this would be criminal.

Councillors have all been kept very well informed about the dangers exposed by many recent studies. They can never say that they were not informed. Apart from Cameron Price, Lisa Intemann and Jamie Harrison, there is a deafening silence from them on this issue. They ignored the Ellie Bassin Harvard study on Osteosarcoma in young boys and its link with Fluoridation. Will they also ignore this latest shocking exposure?
Yours Sincerely, Therese Mackay
President Hastings Safe Water Association.  (Thanks to Paul Beeber President of NYSCOF)

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