Monday, January 23, 2006


A4 laflets for copyright

Four A4 leaflets you can copyright

The Medical Profession should Consider this:

If physicians were to prescribe to patients they know nothing about, including their age, medical history, physical status, disease state, immune system viability or tolerance for medicines, a medically active, unproven and vaguely sanctioned drug at uncontrolled doses and tell them to take as much as they want for the rest of their lives while not monitoring the side effects, how long would they be practicing medicine before their licenses were revoked?

The answer, of course, is not for very long.

Unfortunately, many Australians are unaware that this is exactly what is happening when they sanction spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars each year to add the volatile toxin Hydrofluosilicic acid to our otherwise decent drinking water.

The Australian Medical Association in the Hastings support Artificial Fluoridation of our Water Supply. Artificial Fluorides are put into the water not to treat the water, as with Chlorine. Artificial Fluoride is put into the water to treat the people and is thus medication.

Ask your doctor to explain the ethics of forced Mass medication to you.

The Hastings Council intends adding Hydrofluosilicic Acid or Sodiumsilicio Fluoride to our water supply in November 2005.

Ask why the Australian Medical Association supports such a Draconian practice which is Medically Unethical.
Dr. Jim Beck is a retired biophysicist and researcher from the University of Calgary. Dr. Bob Dickson is a practicing family physician in Calgary who deals with the deleterious effects of fluoride in his patient population.

Unflouridated Countries have dramatic drop in Dental Decay:

The deferring to and recanting of the official party line on fluoride, the blindly and oft repeated mantra that fluoride helps kids, especially poor kids is very contemptuous.
Many professionals still reiterate the misleading statistics that caries have been reduced by up to 75% since fluoride was introduced. Can you spot the disconnect here?
Yes, caries have decreased by up to 75% in the past 50 or so years since the first extremely flawed studies promoting fluoride were introduced but the incidence of caries in Europe which is 99% non-fluoridated, and in British Columbia which remains fluorosilicic acid free in more than 95% of its communities, has also decreased by the same or even more.
The impressive reduction in caries is not at all connected to fluoride in our drinking water but to a much healthier diet for children, regular brushing and flossing of teeth and much superior and more accessible dental care for all, particularly kids?
The Hastings Council intends adding Hydrofluosilicic Acid or Sodiumsilicio Fluoride to our water supply in November 2005.

ACT NOW – Ask your Councillors to explain their reasons for such a shameful waste of our Rates.
References:-Dr. Jim Beck is a retired biophysicist and researcher from the University of Calgary. Dr. Bob Dickson is a practicing family physician in Calgary who deals with the deleterious effects of fluoride in his patient population.

Are there Side Effects From Artificial Fluoridation?
Many good scientific studies show an increased incidence of hip fractures because of fluoride ingestion as well as strong associations with thyroid problems (look at the vast number of patients in our western world on thyroid supplementation), adverse effects on the pineal gland, neurological sequelae such as deleterious effects on learning and intelligence, and association with several cancers. Indeed, higher doses of fluoride were used in Europe not too many decades ago to treat overactive thyroid glands.
However, the most obvious and noticeable deleterious effect of fluoride is that of fluorosis. Over 40% of children in fluoridated areas are showing signs of fluorosis, and the old mantra of this side effect being “only cosmetic” is being rapidly abandoned, even by the most ardent promoters of fluoride.
Those who have touted in the past the monetary savings of fluoride by reducing the need for cavity repair are now admitting that the cost of repairing teeth damaged by fluorosis has far outstripped any possible savings and the gap is rapidly widening. Say goodbye to the economic argument for fluoride.
Promoters of this drug agree that what we see in the enamel we also see in our skeletal bones. Therefore, mottling, pitting and infrastructure destruction that is visible in our enamel is also occurring in all the bones in our bodies.
The Hastings Council intends adding Hydrofluosilicic Acid or Sodiumsilicio Fluoride to our water supply in November 2005.


References:-Dr. Jim Beck is a retired biophysicist and researcher from the University of Calgary. Dr. Bob Dickson is a practicing family physician in Calgary who deals with the deleterious effects of fluoride in his patient population.

Where Does Fluoride they put in our water come from?
Most people are not aware that Hydrofluosilicic acid is a volatile substance that is scrubbed out of smokestacks of the fertilizer and aluminium industries.
This chemical, not approved in Australia for administration to humans, also contains traces of lead, cadmium and arsenic. Less than a teaspoon of Hydrofluosilicic acid will kill an adult.
Where would the fertilizer industry dispose of such a volatile chemical, and how many multiples of millions of dollars would this process cost if they were not able to dispose of it for considerable profit in our drinking water?

The Hastings Council intends adding Hydrofluosilicic Acid or Sodiumsilicio Fluoride to our water supply in November 2005

ACT NOW – Don’t allow your Kidneys to be used as cheap and expendable filters for the Fertilizer and Aluminium Industries.
References - Dr. Jim Beck is a retired biophysicist and researcher from the University of Calgary. Dr. Bob Dickson is a practicing family physician in Calgary who deals with the deleterious effects of fluoride in his patient population.

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