Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Scotland rejects Fluoridation

The Scottish Executive (i.e., Scottish Parliament) has just rejected Water Fluoridation

‘The Scottish Executive (i.e., Scottish Parliament) has just rejected Water Fluoridation
on Health, Safety, Medical Ethics and Human Rights grounds. They are going back to sorting the problem of kids' bad teeth at source - bad diet and totally inadequate dental services. Scottish Health Minister Andy Kerr is expected to unveil new measures to lift Scotland’s poor dental health record which are likely to include "more proactive dentistry for young children, more targeted in deprived communities where tooth decay was worse". (The Scotsman) This is exactly what we have been telling all Councillors, the Health Department and residents. Said Therese Mackay President of the Hastings Safe Water Association

Controversial plans to introduce fluoride into the public water supply in Scotland are set to be abandoned, it emerged today according to the Scotsman (13/11/04). The Scottish Executive is understood to have axed the proposal in favour of better-targeted dental services. It is believed the Executive was also concerned about the implications of allowing individual local authorities to introduce the chemical into water supplies. Critics argued the fluoride plans were an infringement of freedom and were also unsafe.  A source within the Executive reportedly confirmed today that fluoride measures had been shelved "for the foreseeable future".

‘Now that the Scots have rejected fluoridation, and the Welsh Assembly is likely to announce a similar decision shortly are the Hastings, Kempsey, Bellingen and Coffs Harbour Councillors really so certain that fluoridation is the right approach to curing bad teeth, if it's not considered appropriate in Scotland? Plenty of food for thought for our Councillors. Food we have already given them but which the majority have ignored. They know exactly what they are doing and will be held accountable individually. Said Therese Mackay

Brian Donohoe, Labour MP for Cunningham South, who spearheaded a rebellion on fluoridation at Westminster, said: "There has been a lot of controversy around the issue of water fluoridation that has never been explained as it should be. The major argument I have is that nothing should be added to our public water supply for medical reasons without the public having the chance to decide if it is right for them."  Many Lib Dems viewed it as "mass medication" and an infringement of civil liberties. And official party policy is against adding fluoride to the water supply. Scottish Nationalists, Conservatives, Greens and Scottish Socialists have all spoken out against putting fluoride in the water. Lothians Green MSP Robin Harper has said there were sufficient grounds for concern about the effects of fluoride on health that people should have a choice whether to consume fluoride. (The Scotsman).

Individual Councillors, who mulishly hand over their responsibility to the Health Department, when they are directly responsible to residents, can no longer say that they do not know.  Fluoridation is now considered by the Scottish Parliament to be an abuse of human rights. At our recent Rally (6/10/04) we handed Council a comprehensive document outlining the issues of Human Rights Abuse, Litigation possibilities, health concerns amongst others. Councillors can no longer hide behind the flimsy skirts of the Health Department Bureaucrats who will simply move on to other Public Service positions leaving individual Councillors to bear the blame and to wear the costs of litigation. We are appalled by the Hastings’s Council’s written response to our document. We will release their response on Wednesday and residents will then realise the calibre of those we have elected. Their letter is a disgrace. Said Therese Mackay

‘Australia is the most heavily fluoridated country in the world. Few countries still fluoridate. Most have woken up to reality of the toxic nature of Water Fluoridation. We are the only country which is still attempting to have 100% Fluoridation and the push Australia wide is notably authoritarian. We have to wonder why this is, in a worldwide climate where country after country, city after city are giving Water Fluoridation the flick. Keep up the pressure - we're winning. ” President of the Hastings Safe Water Association Therese Mackay said.

Further Information – Therese Mackay Hastings Safe Water Association


Recycled Sydney water

I became aware that Sydney Water allows houses in new growth areas like Kellyville to use recycled Sydney water from separate taps out in the yards. While I believe that the theory of this is commendable I wrote to Sydney water asking them did they monitor that recycled water for chemicals, as the water would be used on gardens, lawns and because children and animals would access it.

There is a list of chemicals which Sydney water adds to all water including drinking water. One of these is Hydrosilicio Fluoride or Sodium Silicic Fluoride. For toxicity they are on a par with Lead and Arsenic, and are accumulative. But unlike Chlorine, cannot be boiled out but rather concentrate with evaporation. As for water treatment, only Reverse Osmosis will remove it from the water. This is always very expensive.

I wrote to Sydney Water two months ago and asked did they monitor the recycled water for chemicals such as Fluorides. To date they have not supplied me with anything whatsoever. Either they are just very lazy and do not respond to inquiries, or perhaps they do not monitor for Fluorides on any acceptable level, and at the tap outlets.

Those who use this recycled water on their lawns and gardens, and who visit or have relatives in these areas have a right to know. Prove me wrong, please Sydney Water. Show me that Fluorides are not the “Protected pollutant”.

I urge Sydneysiders to have a look at the following websites and see just how protected fluorides are. Then maybe the reason why Sydney Water is so reticent may be clearer to you.

Parents for Poisoned Children –  http://bruha.com/pfpc
Australian Fluoridation News  www.glenwalker.net
Fluoridation Action Network (USA  – www.fluoridealert.org
National Pure Water Association (UK) www.npwa.freeserve.co.uk

Yours sincerely,
Therese Mackay


The Donora Fluoride Fog

The Donora Fluoride Fog:A Secret History of America's Worst Air Pollution Disaster

This article appears in the Fall 1998 Earth Island Journalby Chris Bryson

The anniversary of the worst recorded industrial air pollution accident in US history - which occurred 50 years ago this October in Donora, Pennsylvania -will go virtually unmarked. The Donora incident, which killed 20 and left hundreds seriously injured and dying, was caused by fluoride emissions from the Donora Zinc Works and steel plants owned by the US Steel Corporation.
In the aftermath of the accident, US Steel conspired with US Public Health Service (PHS) officials to cover up the role fluoride played in the tragedy. This charge comes from Philip Sadtler, a top industrial chemical consultant who conducted his own research at the scene of the disaster.
Fifty years later, Earth Island Journal has learned, vital records of the Donora investigation are missing from PHS archives. Fifty years later, US Steel continues to block access to their records of the Donora disaster, including a crucial air chemical analysis taken on the final night of the tragedy.
The "Donora Death Fog"
Horror visited the US Steel company-town of Donora on Halloween night, 1948, when a temperature inversion descended on the town. Fumes from US Steel's smelting plants blanketed the town for four days, and crept murderously into the citizens' homes. If the smog had lasted another evening "the casualty list would have been 1,000 instead of 20," said local doctor William Rongaus at the time. Later investigations by Rongaus and others indicated that one-third of the town's 14,000 residents were affected by the smog. Hundreds of residents were evacuated or hospitalized. A decade later, Donora's mortality rate remained significantly higher than neighboring areas.
The "Donora Death Fog", as it became known, spawned numerous angry lawsuits and the first calls for national legislation to protect the public from industrial air pollution.
A PHS report released in 1949 reported that "no single substance" was responsible for the Donora deaths and laid major blame for the tragedy on the temperature inversion. But according to industry consultant Philip Sadtler, in an interview taped shortly before his 1996 death, that report was a whitewash. "It was murder," said Sadtler about Donora. "The directors of US Steel should have gone to jail for killing people." Sadtler charged that the PHS report helped US Steel escape liability for the deaths and spared a host of fluoride- emitting industries the expense of having to control their toxic emissions. (A class-action lawsuit by Donora victims families was later settled out of court.)
In 1948, Sadtler was perhaps the nation's leading expert on fluorine pollution. He had gathered evidence for plaintiffs across the country, including an investigation of the Manhattan Project and the DuPont company's fluoride pollution of New Jersey farmland during World War II [see "Fluoride and the A-Bomb", 1997-98 EIJ].
For giant fluoride emitters such as US Steel and the Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa), the cost of a national fluoride clean-up "would certainly have been in the billions," said Sadtler. So concealing the true cause of the Donora accident was vital. "It would have complicated things enormously for them if the public had been alerted to [the dangers of] fluoride."
A 50-Year Cover-up
US industry was well-placed to orchestrate a whitewash of the Donora investigation. The PHS was then a part of the Federal Security Agency. The FSA, in turn, was headed by Oscar R. Ewing, a former top lawyer for Alcoa. Neither his old industry connections, nor the fact that Alcoa had been facing lawsuits around the country for its wartime airborne fluoride pollution was mentioned in Ewing's introduction to the official report on Donora.
Sadtler remembers seeing a PHS van in Donora conducting air testing after the disaster. "I looked in and the chemist said, 'Phil, come on in.' Very friendly. He says, 'I know you are right, but I am not allowed to say so.' He must have been influenced by US Steel."
Sadtler blamed fluoride for the Donora disaster in an account published in the December 13, 1948 issue of Chemical and Engineering News. He reported fluorine blood levels of dead and hospitalized citizens to be 12 to 25 times above normal, with "primary symptoms of acute fluorine poisoning, dyspnea (distressed breathing similar to asthma) ... found in hundreds of cases." He recommended that, "Changes should be made in suspect processes to prevent emission of fluorine-containing fumes."
Industry moved quickly to silence Sadtler, who had been a contributor to Chemical and Engineering News for many years. (C&EN is published by the American Chemical Society.) "I had a call from the editor that I was not to send them any more [articles]," Sadtler said. The editor told Sadtler that the head of the Alcoa and the US Steel-funded Mellon Institute, Dr. [first name] Weidline (who also had served as a director of the American Chemical Society) "went to Washington and told [the magazine's editors] that they were not to publish any more of what I wrote," Sadtler said.
Looking Back on Donora
Today, 50 years later, researchers examining the Donora disaster face two troubling obstacle: (1) vital records are missing from the PHS archives and (2) US Steel's records are closed to reporters, researchers and investigators. In her 1994 doctoral dissertation ("The Death-Dealing Smog Over Donora, Pennsylvania: Industrial Air Pollution, Public Health Policy and the Politics of Expertise, 1948-1949"), Lynne Page Snyder of the University of Pennsylvania, described the response to the disaster.
The following excerpts were published in the Spring 1994 issue of the Environmental History Review.
"Pollution from the Donora Zinc Works smelting operation and other sources containing sulfur, carbon monoxide and heavy metal dusts, was trapped by weather conditions in the narrow river valley in and around Donora and neighboring Webster.
"Air pollution problems were recognized from the facility as early as 1918, when the plant owner paid off the legal claims for causing pollution that affected the health of nearby residents.
"In the 1920s, residents and farmers in Webster took legal action again against the company for loss of crops and livestock. Regular sampling of the air was begun in 1926 and stopped in 1935."
From local accounts of the time, Snyder provided this description of the 1948 disaster. "By Friday evening (October 2), local residents were crowding into nearby hospitals and dozens of calls were made to the area's eight physicians. While Fire Department volunteers administered oxygen to those unable to breathe, Board of Health member Dr. William Rongaus led an ambulance by foot through darkened streets to ferry the dead and dying to hospitals or on to a temporary morgue.
"On Rongaus' advice, those with chronic heart or respiratory ailments began to leave town late Friday evening, but before noon on Saturday, 11 people died. "Conditions had not improved by Saturday night, and with roads congested by smog and traffic, evacuation became impossible. The company operating the Donora Zinc Works finally ordered the plant shut down at 6 a.m. Sunday morning. By mid-day Sunday, rain had dispersed the smog.
"Pittsburgh itself escaped the episode primarily because it had just begun to enforce a smoke control ordinance and was cutting back on the use of bituminous coal as a fuel source. The Donora Smog gained national attention when Walter Winchell broadcast news of the disaster on his national radio show.
"The Pennsylvania Department of Health, United Steelworkers, Donora's Borough Council and the US Public Health Service all participated in the investigation of the air pollution incident. The investigation was the first time there was an organized effort to document the health impacts of air pollution in the United States. Commenting on the studies of the incident, the Monessen Daily Independent wrote that damage from air pollution from the Zinc Works was 'something no scientific investigation is necessary to prove. All you need is a pair of reasonably good eyes.'
"Before the Donora smog, neither manufacturers nor public health professionals considered air pollution an urgent issue. At the annual meeting of the Smoke Prevention Association in May 1949, a leading industrial physician and consultant to insurance companies dismissed air pollution as a threat, except 'on rare occasions [when] Mother Nature has played us false.''
"The studies of the Donora Smog did not fix blame and could not document levels of pollution beyond workplace limits set at the time. The Public Health Service recommended a warning system tied to weather forecasts and an air sampling system be installed to avoid future incidents. The lessons learned at Donora resulted in the passage of the 1955 Clean Air Act and began modern air pollution control efforts in the Commonwealth.
Snyder learned that US Steel had conducted an air analysis on the final night of the smog. But despite her numerous requests for the Donora records, Snyder recalls, US Steel officials finally informed her that they didn't "have anything for me." Equally frustrating to Snyder was the missing PHS records. At the time, Donora was the largest environmental investigation the government agency ever had mounted. "The kinds of papers I would expect to find are the correspondence files, the original and carbon copies of responses sent out, typed-up site visits, typed-up telephone conversations, maps, rough drafts of reports, photos," Snyder explained. But all these records have vanished.
"You have to suspect the worst. Not only of US Steel, but of the Public Health Service," Snyder says. Now herself a PHS historian, she concludes of the Donora records, "Someone may have decided they were too hot to handle and got rid of them. I'm open to that prospect."
Transcripts of Philip Sadtler's historic full interview are available from Earth Island Journal.
Chris Bryson is a New York-based investigative reporter and co-author with Joel Griffiths of Fluoride and the A-Bomb (Winter 97-98 EIJ).This report was compiled with research assistance by Ellie Rudolph
Death in Donora
I have felt the fog in my throat -- The misty hand of Death caress my face;I have wrestled with a frightful foeWho strangled me with wisps of gray fog-lace.Now in my eyes since I have died.The bleak, bare hills rise in stupid mightWith scars of its slavery imbedded deep;And the people still live -- still live -- in the poisonous night.
Folklorist Dan G. Hoffman reported collecting the ballad "Death in Donora" from area resident John P. Clark
Sidebar: Fluoride and the Mohawks
Cows crawled around the pasture on their bellies, inching along like giant snails. So crippled by bone disease they could not stand up, this was the only way they could graze. Some died kneeling, after giving birth to stunted calves. Others kept on crawling until, no longer able to chew because their teeth had crumbled down to the nerves, they began to starve.
These were the cattle of the Mohawk Indians on the New York-Canadian St. Regis Reservation during the period 1960-75, when fluoride pollution from neighboring aluminum plants devastated the herd and the Mohawks' way of life. Crops and trees withered, birds and bees fled from this remnant of land the Mohawk still call Akwesasne, "the land where the partridge drums."
Today, nets cast into the St. Lawrence River by Mohawk fishers bring up ulcerated fish with spinal deformities. Mohawk children, too, have shown signs of damage to bones and teeth.
In 1980, the Mohawks filed a $150 million lawsuit for damage to themselves and their property against the companies responsible for the pollution: the Reynolds Metals Co. and the Aluminum Co. of America. But five years of legal costs bankrupted the tribe and they settled for $650,000 in damages to their cows. The court left the door open for a future Mohawk suit for damage to their own health. After all, commented human rights lawyer Robert Pritchard, "What judge wants to go down in history as being the judge who approved the annihilation of the Indians by fluoride emissions?" -- Joel Griffiths
The lessons learned at Donora resulted in the passage of the 1955 Clean Air Act America's worst air pollution disaster may have been caused by fluoride emissions: 50 years later, vital records are still missing.

Bones Calgary Cavities Fertility Cancer Health risks NeurologicalDental Fluorosis PicturesISFREthics Tributes Fraud Authors Deaths Quotes Environment Skeletal Fluorosis Definitions

(image placeholder)


Fluoride and Treated timbers

The Hastings Safe Water Association are shocked by the inconsistent claims of the NSW Health Department, concerning their response to CCA (Copper, Chrome and Arsenic) Treated Timbers. What will it take to make them accountable?
In December 2003 Sean Nicholls in the Age reported that “Australia's chemical regulator has proposed banning the use of arsenic-treated timber in outdoor play equipment, decking and furniture, saying frequent exposure to it may put people at "undue risk”. The regulator will also consider calling for existing structures made of treated pine and other arsenic-laced materials to be removed from thousands of backyards, schools and children's playgrounds across Australia. A United States study this year (2003) found frequent exposure to CCA-treated play equipment greatly increased a child's risk of developing bladder and lung cancer, prompting the Australian review.”  http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/13/22/1071941669851.html
The EPA says that “when burnt, CCA-treated timber produces an ash with residual arsenic, chromium and copper. Arsenic is the most toxic of these three chemicals. Children and animals should be excluded from land where CCA ash is present. Young children, especially those under 5 years, are at high risk from personal contact and ingestion. Animal deaths from ingesting ash have previously been reported on farms in the USA and UK. As long-term arsenic ingestion (not giving immediate symptoms) may have health implications (e.g. over time, it is one cause of skin cancer), people need to exercise caution to minimise their cumulative exposure.”
What is the NSW Health Department’s advice on CCA Treated Timbers as of 19/3/05 and taken from their own website? They say, “There is no evidence of adverse human health effects associated with normal product use. There are no reports of adverse health effects in children using playground equipment constructed from CCA treated timber. There is no need for existing CCA timber structures in good condition to be removed on the basis of concerns about toxicity. If parents are concerned about children contacting CCA treated wood surfaces, maintaining a coating of oil-based polyurethane or paint will reduce any potential for exposure.”
Yet they have just said there are no adverse effects. Then they say, “It is also generally good hygienic practice: to wash children's hands after playing outside, particularly before eating; to not place food directly on outdoor surfaces. “ So just wash your hands and it’ll all go away kiddies, incredible. How likely are children to put food on a picnic table, or a swing seat? The Health Department’s logic beggars belief.  www.health.nsw.gov.au/living/cca-treatedtimber.html
We are aware as is the NSW Health Department that all forms of fluoride added to water contain varying levels of arsenic. Yet the NSW Health Department says it is completely safe to put Fluorides containing arsenic, which the EPA says is cumulative, into our drinking water.
The NSW Health Department’s ignorance is inexcusable. Will they accept responsibility when our children pay the price of this and the many other mistakes they have made and are still making, in full knowledge of the consequences?
Yours sincerely,
Therese Mackay.
President of the Hastings Safe Water Association


No one takes responsibility

The Hastings Safe Water Association


Dear Editor,
When it comes to the issue of artificial Fluoridation, it appears that all levels of Government, follow the practice of never answering questions from Taxpayers, but play the very cynical game of referring on to others. No one takes responsibility.

When we asked Hastings Council a list of questions  which concerned the safety and health aspects of Artificial Fluoridation, we were sent a letter after quite some time, telling us to contact Mr John Irving from NSW Health. It was Council’s responsibility to adequately research and answer our concerns, not John Irving. He does not work for Council does he?

We then wrote to our State MP Mr Rob Oakeshott a list of questions on Artificial Fluoridation in February 2005. He did not answer by letter but told us he would get in touch with… guess who? Yes, Mr John Irving from NSW Health. He said that he would have our answers within two weeks. Well Mr Oakeshott we are still waiting for your letter to arrive answering all our questions, courtesy of Mr John Irving.

Bad enough that Government bodies act like this. We have grown to expect this offhand treatment of real concerns. But it seems now that even Community Groups like the CWA are doing exactly the same. A friend of ours Mr Glen Walker the long time Chairman of the Freedom from Fluoridation Federation of Australia wrote to the CWA of NSW with some questions regarding their stance in supporting Fluoridation.

Their written answer, which I possess reads like a carbon copy of flimflam previously written by, Mr John Irving from NSW Health. And to top it off they finish their reply with, “If you require any further information please contact John Irving, NSW Health,…”

Seems like this John Irving must be a mighty clever bloke. Looks like he’s the only one in NSW who has all the answers to the introduction of the highly toxic and accumulative, industrial grade Hydrofluosilicic Acid, or Sodium Silico Fluoride, which he is promoting for our drinking water. Such is his knowledge on these chemicals that he tells all who will listen that Fluoridation is only natural.” That it is one hundred percent safe, and that Fluorosis is not the first sign of Fluoride toxicity, but is in fact a “sign that the teeth are protected from decay.”

Add to the above shocking and irresponsible claims, this same John Irving claimed in the Tenterfield Star that Fluoride was a “Micro Nutrient”. Scientifically a ridiculous statement. He was finally forced to apologise and covered himself by saying it was a “Typographical error” That’s some error to make and any professional typist would

query how this actually happened. But there it is. This same John Irving recently claimed, “Up to 10 times more children have their teeth removed in Tenterfield than in Armidale, which has a fluoridated water supply.”

Well we’d really like to see the double blind scientific research that proves that. No doubt like all the other real concerns the community will be waiting till hell freezes over before that happens as well.

If in doubt Mayor Drew, Mr Rob Oakeshott, trusted Community Groups, Doctors, dentists, you can easily abrogate all responsibility for answering concerns on artificial Fluoridation and tell us to contact that great scientist, Mr John Irving from NSW Health.

If we follow the example of our “leaders” no one need never take any responsibility at all about anything. We can all be happy, stupid little Vegemites, believing black is white and that putting one of the most toxic, reactive and environmentally disastrous chemicals into our drinking water is acceptable in 2005.
Yours sincerely,
Therese Mackay
President of the Hastings Safe Water Association

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Fluoridation Osteosarcoma cover up

Now if you’d like click on this to see recent controversy… some are beginning to think that this will be the next “Asbestosis” Transcript is below if unable to view.
Video of the newscast
VIDEO/TRANSCRIPT: Is a Harvard professor hiding a link between fluoride and cancer? - FOX25 News (Boston MA), February 14, 2006
See also:

Fox 25 NewsBoston, Massachusetts
February 14, 2006
Harvard Professor: Hiding a Link?
FOX ANCHOR 1: Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay but could it also cause cancer? It's a controversial question.
FOX ANCHOR 2: Now Harvard University is actually caught up in the debate with serious allegations that an ivy league professor may be covering up the truth. Fox Undercover's Mike Beaudet is investigating the possible link between fluoride and cancer.
REPORTER: Questions about the safety of fluoride in drinking water are not new, but now the debate has shifted to Harvard University where a professor and his doctoral student are at odds over research - research that could show a link between fluoride in drinking water and bone cancer in boys. The professor doesn't think there's a connection but his opinion is under scrutiny since he's also a paid consultant for the toothpaste industry.
REPORTER: Dr. Chester Douglass, a Harvard University big shot - he's chairman of the department of Oral Health Policy and Epidimiology at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and he's at the center of a fluoride debate: the question of whether fluoride in drinking water can cause cancer. Specifically, osteosarcoma in boys.
[Scene of Douglass walking to his car with envelope in his hand.]
REPORTER: Hi Dr. Douglass, Mike Beaudet with Fox 25. We wanted to talk to you about the fluoride controversy.
DOUGLASS: I just was talking to the lawyers about the Freedom of Information, so we're going to give all our studies to them.
REPORTER: Dr. Douglass spoke publicly about the controversy for the first time to Fox Undercover. Is there a cover-up here?
DOUGLASS: This report [showing envelope] from Harvard Medical School will answer that question.
REPORTER: The dispute erupted last year when the Washington-based Environmental Working Group raised serious allegations, accusing Dr. Douglass of possibly covering up the link between fluoridated water and cancer.
KEN COOK: The question is very simple. Did he represent the research correctly or did he not.
REPORTER: Ken Cook is Environmental Working Group's president. He points to a thesis done by one of Dr. Douglass' own students. Dr. Elise Bassin found " ...for males less than 20 years old, fluoride level in drinking water during growth is associated with an increased risk of osteosarcoma..." But according to Cook, Dr. Douglass dismissed any link when he presented this report to the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences.
COOK: Dr. Bassin's study found some very compelling evidence that there's a risk of bone cancer from fluoridation in water. And the presentation of her research suggested the opposite - that there was no evidence.
REPORTER: The Environmental Working Group has raised concerns about Dr. Douglass's close ties to toothpaste giant Colgate, pointing to his job as Editor-in-Chief of the Colgate Oral Care Report. Fox Undercover has learned Dr. Douglass has also worked as a consultant for Colgate for the last ten years. The company has paid him tens of thousands of dollars.
REPORTER: Do you suspect that Dr. Douglass is trying to protect the toothpaste industry.
COOK: Obviously, if he's got a financial interest working at least in part for a company that is making fluoridated toothpaste, one would be concerned, one would be aware of that potential conflict of interest.
REPORTER: Dr. Douglass insists that he's done nothing wrong. "You've got to admit, working for Colgate, it smells a little fishy."
DOUGLASS: I don't, I don't think so. I looked at, I looked at the 200 articles that we've written for them, only 12, only about 11 or 12 of them were on fluoride.
REPORTER: You wouldn't cover up something because you have a financial interest in Colgate?
DOUGLASS: No. There was never a chance to cover up anything. This report will speak directly to the issue of whether there's any evidence of trying to cover something up.
REPORTER: That report is from Harvard Medical School which is investigating the controversy. Dr. Douglass says the report is still in draft form and would not show it to us.
As for Dr. Bassin's thesis which showed a link between fluoridated water and cancer in boys.
DOUGLASS: She did a good job. She had a good group of people advising her and it's a nice analysis. There's nothing wrong with that analysis. The question is, it's a subgroup. Is it true when you look at the whole study? That's the question.
REPORTER: Not for the Environmental Working Group which says the subgroup of young men should be looked at closely since they're more likely to develop this type of cancer.
REPORTER: So why weren't Dr. Bassin's findings included in that Final Report from Dr. Douglass to the government?
DOUGLASS: They got a final report. The truth is, it wasn't the final report. I mean, if you want to get your facts correct, that wasn't the real final report. It was a draft.
REPORTER: Do you think there is a link between fluoride and bone cancer?
DOUGLASS: In the whole study, my best guess is I don't think we're going to see an association.
TONY VALLENTINE: It seems like somebody was trying to cover up or alter the findings or keep it quiet.
REPORTER: Tony Vallentine is watching the controversy closely. It's personal. His son Seth died 20 years ago after a painful battle with osteosarcoma.
VALLENTINE: This is a picture of Seth and his younger brother Zachary just before we found out that he had the bone cancer. He was as healthy as any normal American kid.
REPORTER: Seth grew up in Dedham, 1 of 137 communities in Massachusetts that adds fluoride to the water. Vallentine says he wants to know more about any connection between fluoridated water and cancer.
What do you think about this possible link?
VALLENTINE: When I first heard that I was, I was kind of shocked because I knew that we used the Dedham water and I knew there was fluoride in it.
REPORTER: Vallentine says that even the suggestion of a link is disturbing.
VALLENTINE: I don't think one kid's life is worth having a mouth full of pearly white teeth.
REPORTER: Dr. Bassin declined to be interviewed, but she's standing by her work and tells FOX Undercover a paper based on her thesis will soon be published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control.
Dr. Douglass says his full study on the possible link between fluoridated water and cancer should come out later this year. A Harvard spokesman tells us its investigation is ongoing, but added the University does not believe there is any conflict with Dr. Douglass working for Colgate. This as the Federal Government begins its own investigation.
I'm Mike Beaudet for FOX Undercover

Saturday, February 11, 2006


The Health Beer of t

The Health Beer of the Nation.

(Fluoride Free Beer that is.)

The Presidents of Cascade Brewery (Tasmania); Tooheys Brewery (New South Wales); XXXX Brewery (Queensland), and Carlton United Brewery (Victoria), were at an international beer conference.
They decide to all go to lunch together and the waitress asks what they wanted to drink.

The president of Tooheys says without hesitation "I'll have a Tooheys New thanks, brewed in the Premier State".

The president of Cascade smiles and says "I'll have a Cascade Draught thanks, brewed in the Island State".The President of Carlton says, "I'll have a Crown Larger thanks,
the best from the Garden State"

The President of XXXX says, "I'll have the only beer that is not polluted with the poison, hydrofluorosilicic Acid, traces of lead, arsenic and mercury, thanks".

The others look at him like he has sprouted a new head. He just shrugs and says,
"Make mine a XXXX mate, - The only Australian beer that does not contain fluoride".


XXXX Beer is FourX Qld beer for those outside Australia

Feel free to photocopy and please pass on to those who love a good clean beer.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


NYSCOF Dentists Are Fluoride misinformed

NYSCOF: Dentists Are Fluoride MisinformedWednesday February 1, 8:30 am ET
NEW YORK, Feb. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Bottled water does NOT contribute to tooth decay despite dentists scientifically unverifiable cautions disseminated through the media. Studies actually show the opposite. America's children are fluoride-overdosed; it's ruining their teeth and researchers advise cutting back, reveals the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF).
The Centers for Disease Control reports from 1/3 to 1/2 of U.S. schoolchildren sport dental fluorosis(1) -- white-spotted, discolored and/or sometimes pitted teeth, caused by fluoride over-ingestion.
The Academy of General Dentistry advises against fluoridated water for infant formula or food preparation because many studies show this ups children's fluorosis risk.(2)
The U.S. Surgeon General reports that excessive fluoride increases susceptibility to cavities.(3)
To avoid crippling skeletal fluorosis, the Environmental Protection Agency sets 4 parts per million (ppm) or 4 milligrams per quart of water as fluoride's maximum contaminant level.(4)
The Iowa Fluoride Study's principal investigator, Steven Levy, found that some babies exceed that level and ingest 6 milligrams daily. Furthermore, Levy found 90% of 3-month-olds consumed over their recommended fluoride levels.(5)
Levy et al. report, "There is no specific nutritional requirement for fluoride ... given the increased prevalence of fluorosis, it may be necessary to revise downwards the adequate intake levels of fluoride."
    Levy also found:

    -- 77% of soft drinks had fluoride levels greater than 0.60 ppm
    -- two ounces of baby chicken food provides baby's maximum dose
    -- foods high in fluoride -- teas, dry infant cereals, dried chicken, and
    -- grape juice, especially white, contains very high fluoride levels
    -- 42% of juice and juice drinks tested revealed unlabeled fluoride levels
       greater than 0.60 ppm
    -- cereals processed in fluoridated areas contain from 3.8 to 6.3 ppm
The USDA provides a database of fluoride contents of food http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/Data/Fluoride/Fluoride.html
Reports that bottled-water drinkers risk more cavities are unsubstantiated. The Wall Street Journal reported, "Little research has been done on the use of bottled water and risk of tooth decay, dental experts concede.(6)" UPI wrote: "(P)ublished literature shows little cause for alarm.(7)" Australians drinking fluoridated or non-fluoridated water have similar cavity rates.(8)
"Fluoride ingestion, whether through tap or bottled water, delivers health risks without benefits," says Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President. "I urge Dentists to read the mounting science presenting fluoride's harm and ineffectiveness and not remain fluoride-misinformed."
    References:  http://groups.google.com/group/Fluoridation-News-Releases

    Paul Beeber, 516-433-8882, nyscof@aol.com

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Source: NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation

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